I have been deep in prayer lately for the future. I know God tells us that he has a plan for us (Jer. 29:11) and to trust him (Prov 3:5-6) and not to worry (Phil 4:6-7). Its right there in scripture and in so many more examples than just those three... but I still find myself asking "How will it all come together?" and "Will it all be ok?" as far as money and descions for the wedding... as well as Josh and my life together. Choices about jobs and moving and school and babies and ministry... It's almost like I just wish I had a crystal ball with all the answers. :)
Luckily, I am blessed to have something better! My God not only knows all the answers to those questions (AND MORE) but he is also there for me, listening to my pain and confusion. He wraps his arms around me and wipes away my tears. Through my relationship in Christ, I have a Lord and Protector- always!!
God has also provided me with a wonderful fiance who has the patience of a saint, at times! I am so blessed and when things get stressful, I remind myself that- no matter what- GOD knows that he is doing. :)