Not to say my students are perfect (by ANY stretch of the imagination)... but I am very clear in my expectiations, and have been from day one. If they do not follow them- they face the consequences. End of story. I have learned so much from the past three years, and am proud to say that I have a good handle on behavior in my room.
I also have been a little overwhelmed with the new reading program, Read Well. But now that we have gotten started and ready to split our classes up into groups- I am so excited! I think it will be great for my studnets- to truly meet them where they are, in terms of their reading ability on the Read Well Preassessment.
Heres a glimpse of the "School Life" :)
Unfortunately- My uncle chris lost his battle with cancer. My parents came down to visit Aunt Deb, Abby, Jessie, and Ivan. Then we went up for the funeral. It was good to see family- despite the circumstances.
And I have been getting home earlier and spending quality time with my husband/puppy! We have also been spending time with friends and enjoying it a great deal!