"Well, hello world, how've you been? Good to see you, my old friend. Sometimes I feel as cold as steel and broken like I'm never gonna heal. Then, I see a light, little grace, little faith unfurl... Well, hello world"
This is my theme song at times. Because I find myself, with time, catching glimpses of the light. Like the sun shining through dark storm clouds.. I find myself again for a brief moment... the pain receeds and I feel peace.

But also at times, in the hard moments, I do feel so broken. I love that lyric from this song "cold as steel and broken like I'm never gonna heal"... but I know that the broken-ness will heal in time. And I won't ache for what we have lost. And I won't tear up at diaper commericials. And my happiness for the miracle babies in others' lives won't be hiding behind other emotions. I know that day will come... because I feel it in small doses these days. God shows me how to remember how blessed I truly am. He also reminds me that he feels my pain, he GAVE his child- for my salvation.
"Oh, the empty disappears, I remember why I'm here: To surrender and believe. I fall down on my knees...Oh hello world. "
Thank you Lord for the chance to surrender and believe in your truth...
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