Cloth Diapers: Cloth is going really well! We only have a dozen newborn prefold inserts so we are washing a little more than we like, but as Lee gets bigger he will grow into the bigger size prefolds and covers which we have lots more of. He seems to really like the cloth diapers- they breathe better and Ive noticed he does not have redness with them like he has with disposables. We still use sposies at night, bc he's still in the pack n play in our room- so its easier to just toss them in the trash. :) When he transitions to nights in his crib/room, hopefully will be in cloth MOST of the time, if not all.
Bath Time: Lee has gotten to LOVE baths in his lil bath tub. Here he is in his froggy towel.
Sleepy Prince: Our growing boy is sleeping so well at night- the past 3 nights he has slept for 6 hours straight!!
Bright Eyed Boy: Sweet Lee is so much more alert these days. He looks at us and seems to follow us when we walk by him.
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